Unsung Heroes

Unsung Heroes: An Anonymous Letter Sent to Westminster Towers Praising their Staff

We’re amazingly thankful for our employees every day. With the spread of a global pandemic, they are on the front lines to ensure the health and wellbeing of our whole community. Today, Westminster Towers received an anonymous letter, extolling the “Unsung Heroes” who keep our community a wonderful place to work and live. We’re sharing the letter so that all of us can appreciate their incredible contributions. We hope you appreciate our employees as much as we do!

We have all heard the praise and thank-you’s to the nurses, doctors and first responders, and rightly so. But what about the heroes who you don’t hear about? The folks behind the scenes: the housekeepers, maintenance crews, cooks, servers, front desk attendants and administration. These people are essential, and without them, a hospital or senior-living facility could not function or exist.

The Unsung Heroes at Westminster Towers are extra special. You have heard the saying, “when times get tough, the tough get going.” This is exactly what these workers are doing. When COVID-19 began, they stepped up and went to work.

The bus drivers could not drive anymore, so now they are washing laundry. The cooks made and packaged all the meals for residents and staff. The servers became kitchen-to-door delivery persons. They did this with no complaints, just smiles and uplifting words. They reached out to the residents and made sure they were all okay.

The bus drivers not only washed load after load of clothes, they went grocery shopping for the residents and delivered the precious cargo to their doors. The maintenance crew kept the air conditioner running on those very hot days. They answered the calls from residents and gave their personal time to stay by the Health Center and check every person in and out. The housekeepers worked hard day after day, scrubbing and sanitizing every nook and cranny. They worked long hours helping with piles of laundry from all the uniforms needing to be washed. If a resident needed something, they were there to help. The fitness ladies became newspaper people. Each and every morning they ran up and down stairs delivering the daily newspapers to residents.

The front desk staff became security guards, CNAs and counselors. They made sure no one other than essential personnel came inside the building. They checked temperatures and double-checked forms to make sure they were completed. They encouraged the residents, monitored them for changes in physical or mental health. They went above and beyond to be able to ease the loneliness and fear that everyone was experiencing. They volunteered to help wherever needed.

The administration rose to the challenge of a tough job, moving mountains in the process. They had to impose and enforce new rules, which is not easy. They greeted cranky, confused and fearful residents with a smile, compassion, understanding and a social-distant hug. They arranged for residents to FaceTime with family members, brightened many lives as a result.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues with an uncertain end, these people keep going and going. They work hard, never complain and always keep the wellbeing of residents first in their priorities. They great you with a smile, a word of encouragement, answer questions and go above and beyond to fulfill your needs.

These are the Unsung Heroes that nobody does chalk art for, no flashing lights outside and no news reports about. But that’s okay. They do not do their jobs for praise; they do it out of love and compassion for the residents and patients they serve.

Tonight when you hear the news reports, and see all the praise for medical personnel, remember these Unsung Heroes. When you lay your head down and say your prayers to give thanks, think about these Unsung Heroes. Remember the good job they are doing and give thanks, because without them and the doctors, nurses and first responders, we would not be managing the pandemic as well as we are.

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