Westminster Celebrates National Nurses Week

Celebrating National Nurses Week

This past week we have celebrated the nursing team who serve in the Westminster family during National Nurses Week, with interviews, raffles, parties, goodie bags, and so much more. Nursing is a calling, and now more than ever, we appreciate them and all of our team members for their dedication and sacrifice to ensuring the safety of all residents and employees.

Today, National Nurses Week ends with Florence Nightingale’s 200th birthday. Nightingale was the pioneer of modern-day nursing. Her passion for helping others and improving medicine is an inspiration for many today, who were called to follow the same path. At a time of a global pandemic, nursing commands respect throughout our society today.

Is the call to serve older adults within you? Learn how you can Work With Excellence, Serve With Heart today — we have opportunities now! Visit our Careers Page.

This year, here are just some of the ways we honored our nursing team at communities all throughout the state.

Flower pots displayed to be given out to nursing team at Westminster Palms.
Flower pots displayed to be given out to nursing team at Westminster Palms.

A Prayer of Blessing and ThanksChaplain's cart with printed prayers to hand out and a stone painted with the saying "You're Amazing".
Chaplain’s cart with printed prayers to hand out and a stone painted with the saying “You’re Amazing”.

Goodie Bags For AllThree nurses holding the goodie bags they were given for National Nurses Week.
Three nurses holding the goodie bags they were given for National Nurses Week.

Four staff holding the goodie bags to be given to the nursing team standing around a table full of the raffle prizes.
Four staff holding the goodie bags to be given to the nursing team standing around a table full of the raffle prizes.

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