Costume Parades, Turkey Trots and Special Menus: How Our Communities Are Making Thanksgiving Special This Year

How Our Communities Are Making Thanks giving Special This Year
It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without something special. So for the 7,000 residents of Westminster Communities of Florida, this year’s Thanksgiving celebrations will still be special, even while they and millions of Americans are practicing social distancing to avoid the spread of COVID-19.

Our Resident Experience teams have been hard at work coming up with amazing and delightful ways to celebrate the holidays, throughout the state. From Wednesday through Friday, residents and team members alike will enjoy events to share their gratitude, stay active — and, yes, eat.

Here’s just a few of the fun ways our communities will be celebrating Thanksgiving this year:

  • Fitness: At Westminster St. Augustine, we’re hosting a Turkey Trot fun run. The event will start with a reflection to share what we are grateful for, and conclude with a prayer. Meanwhile, at Westminster Manor, in Bradenton, residents will enjoy a “Turkey Hunting” virtual exercise program on the in-house TV system.
  • Puzzles & Games: How about a game of “Family Feud” or live trivia? In St. Petersburg, Westminster Suncoast residents will do both to test just how sharp everyone is after a dose of tryptophan, while at Westminster Shores, they’ll choose from Thanksgiving-themed Bingo, SNAP and Word Scramble games.
  • Family Fun: Residents of Westminster Towers, in Orlando, will enjoy “Gobble Waffles,” a spin-off of the community’s popular Christmas Eve event, where residents are invited to wear their pajamas and enjoy homemade waffles. In addition, when the residents open the door for their Thanksgiving dining deliveries, they’ll find team members in costume!
  • Sharing Gratitude: In Jacksonville, residents at Westminster Woods on Julington Creek will enjoy a stimulating virtual TED Talk on gratitude followed by a group discussion. Meanwhile, continuing a long-standing tradition, Westminster Manor and Westminster Winter Park residents are each putting up a “Thanksgiving tree” with personalized messages of gratitude. And at Westminster Oaks in Tallahassee, there will be a special hymn sing-along event.
  • A Cornucopia of Great Food: Do you love three kinds of pie, your choice of turkey and ham, sides aplenty and a glass of sparkling cider? Our Dining Services teams are on a mission to make the Thanksgiving meal as special as possible, so residents can look forward to tons of special and delicious signature dishes. The team at Westminster Woods on Julington Creek is making a carrot soufflé, Westminster Oaks is offering a shrimp and stone crab cocktail appetizer, and the Westminster Point Pleasant residents will enjoy their choice of special Thanksgiving-themed Bundt cakes. Don’t count your calories!

“I’m so excited for all of the residents of Westminster Communities of Florida, because our Resident Experience teams are going all out to make this holiday amazing,” said Mario DeLuca, Vice President of Resident Experience. “We know how hard it will be for a lot of people to be away from their loved ones, but this year they will still be celebrating with their Westminster family.”

Are you looking to make the holiday special? You can try some of our signature Thanksgiving recipes for your own Thanksgiving table this year. And be sure to follow us on Facebook @WestminsterCommunitiesFL to see all of the great Turkey Day fun.

To learn more about how you can enjoy living at a Westminster community, contact us today or call us at (800) 948-1881.

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