Westminster Woods on Julington Creek Named Bold City Best Senior Living

Westminster Woods on Julington Creek Named Bold City Best Senior Living/Assisted Living Community

JACKSONVILLE — Thanks to our residents, team members, and everyone in the Westminster family, Westminster Woods on Julington Creek has been voted Jacksonville.com’s Bold City Best Senior Living/Assisted Living Community!

We are honored by this title because of everyone’s trust and belief in our pandemic response and continued Mission to provide a happy and healthy lifestyle for residents. Thank you to everyone who makes our community a great place to live!

To learn more about the Bold City Best, created by The Florida Times-Union and Jacksonville.com, visit their website.

my w life
Options for a healthier
and happier you!
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You’ll be happy knowing a continuum of care is there if you need it.
Find the fit for your lifestyle.
Find the fit for
your lifestyle.
To infuse your personal style
is to be happy by design.
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