Advocating for Those We Serve

Advocating for Those We Serve

For this year’s Leading Age Florida Legislative Days, Westminster Communities of Florida is proud to be advocates for those we serve: All older adults throughout Florida.

On Tuesday, our senior leadership and leaders from Westminster Oaks in Tallahassee were delighted to meet at the State Capitol with senators and representatives who represent our communities in the Capitol, along with some of our partners from LeadingAge Florida. We want to thank Sen. Linda Stewart of Orlando, Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto of Fort Myers, Rep. Anna Eskamani of Orlando and Rep. Loranne Ausley of Tallahassee for meeting with us.

During our meetings we advocated on key issues affecting older adults in Florida and in all of our communities. We discussed the following key issues for our communities:

  • Affordable housing for seniors
  • Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) regulatory reform
  • Certificate of Need process in Florida
  • Nursing home staffing modernization

From left to right: Scot Aurelius, a shareholder at Moore Stephens Lovelace; Tyler Sununu, Westminster Oaks Health Services Administrator; Shannon Sauls, Westminster Oaks Assistant Executive Director; Sen. Linda Stewart of Orlando; Garry Hennis, Chief Operating Officer; Jim Polaski, Regional VP of Operations; and Rob Matschner, a shareholder at Moore Stephens Lovelace.
From left to right: Scot Aurelius, a shareholder at Moore Stephens Lovelace; Tyler Sununu, Westminster Oaks Health Services Administrator; Shannon Sauls, Westminster Oaks Assistant Executive Director; Sen. Linda Stewart of Orlando; Garry Hennis, Chief Operating Officer; Jim Polaski, Regional VP of Operations; and Rob Matschner, a shareholder at Moore Stephens Lovelace.From left to right: Lisa Lyons, Westminster Suncoast Executive Director; Doug Feller, Village on the Isle COO; Troy Churchill, Lee FP President; Robert Gall, H.J. Sims Senior Vice President; Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto of Fort Myers; Lynn Gordon, Erickson Living Director of Regulatory Affairs; and Scott Bridgman, CliftonLarsonAllen Principal.
From left to right: Lisa Lyons, Westminster Suncoast Executive Director; Doug Feller, Village on the Isle COO; Troy Churchill, Lee FP President; Robert Gall, H.J. Sims Senior Vice President; Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto of Fort Myers; Lynn Gordon, Erickson Living Director of Regulatory Affairs; and Scott Bridgman, CliftonLarsonAllen Principal.From left to right: Sununu, Matschner, Sauls, Rep. Anna Eskamani of Orlando, Hennis and Polaski.
From left to right: Sununu, Matschner, Sauls, Rep. Anna Eskamani of Orlando, Hennis and Polaski.From left to right: Sauls, Sununu, Polaski, Rep. Loranne Ausley of Tallahassee, Matschner, Aurelius and Hennis.
From left to right: Sauls, Sununu, Polaski, Rep. Loranne Ausley of Tallahassee, Matschner, Aurelius and Hennis.

Westminster Communities of Florida appreciates the opportunity to meet with Sens. Stewart and Benacquisto and Reps. Eskamani and Ausley, and to discuss these issues of importance to seniors throughout Florida.

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